
We are not intimidated by numbers. Maintaining an in-house accounting department often leads to significant expenses without equivalent benefits. Entrust your financial specialists and figures to us, and we will manage them effectively.

Why entrust your bookkeeping to our specialists?

We’ll relieve your executives from the concerns of many day-to-day routine operations, enabling them to concentrate on the core aspects of your business. Outsourcing accounting offers significant benefits, including markedly higher quality and technological standards, while simultaneously reducing risks and costs. Another undeniable advantage is the uninterrupted processing of the accounting agenda, even during holidays or in cases of illness among key personnel. Our accounting outsourcing services encompass comprehensive accounting processing in accordance with Slovak legislation and can extend to include additional services, such as the provision of ongoing accounting advice.


What does it mean to process accounting with a stable partner who has over 20 years of experience in the field?

Accounting consultancy

Our specialists are always prepared to assist you with both common and complex accounting issues, whether on a one-time basis or through long-term collaboration.

Accounting consultancy
Financial and tax due diligence

Due diligence is a review agreed in advance between the buyer and the seller focused on accounting, tax, economic, technical or other aspects of the company the client intends to purchase, sell, finance or merely control.

Financial and tax due diligence
Your contact person

Milan Černák

Managing Partner RSM SK
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